History: August 4th-4:30 a.m. Kidney Stone moved and I went to ER. August 5th. Regular DR and Urologist. Stent put in that night. Lithotripsy on August 26 (22 days after I found out I have a kidney stone). Everywhere I go, everyone runs blood test, urine test,Xray and pregnancy test (no I am not pregnant) The stone was crushed and I'm passing "gravel", it's more like dust thank goodness. I feel like a miner panning for gold. Not for sure if there is anything big enough for them to test to see what my stones are made of. After the lithotripsy, As of today, Sunday August 29, my left kidney feels kinda sore with spasms and little twinges of pain?? The most painful thing for me right now is riding in a car on a bad road.
I sometimes feel like a little child, WD(my husband) will walk by and say "did you drink your water?" He has been so good, if you notice when you drive by our yard right now, it's him out tending to it, instead of me. He's been by my side, honoring a promise he made me one time, for better or worse and in sickness and health...Thank you baby! (I've tried extra hard to be a good patient).
Thanks to all of you that have been so considerate. I know how important your pictures are to you, especially the little ones. But to hear each of you tell me "you've got take care of yourself, your health is more important than our pictures, makes me realize I have the best customers/friends in the world. I promise to catch everyone up. To me the most important thing is to get the images taken. So I will photograph all postponed sessions asap. Anyone haveing a deadline please let me know and I will take care of that first.
I have been able to do slideshows and reorders. If anything is missing or incorrect please just let me know.
I will have the stent removed (without sedation) on August 9th. Please say a prayer for me that day. I plan on arriving highly medicated for that appointment!
Thanks to everyone for your patience during this time.
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